Kristin Osborn, LMHC, LPCC

Kristin A. R. Osborn, LMHC, LPCC is an internationally recognized psychotherapist, researcher, author and an Associate in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and appointed Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.  Kristin is also Chief of Training and Organizational Consulting at Strategic Psychotherapeutics, LLC in Glastonbury, CT. She is an acclaimed trainer conducting workshops on Affect Phobia Therapy (APT), depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and physician self-care. She is certified in Surf Therapy. Kristin has trained over a thousand psychotherapists and mental health providers. She is the founder of Certified APT™-Training, a rigorous evidence-based program that teaches how to assess and resolve affect phobias. Kristin has conducted Certified APT training internationally including Boston, Stockholm, London, Amsterdam, Venice, Dublin, and San Diego. She encourages psychotherapists to videotape their sessions, as a way to conduct research and enhance their clinical skills. She co-authored Paraverbal Communication in Psychotherapy: Beyond the Words, and serves on the board of the Society for the Exploration and Integration of Psychotherapy. She is also a board member and President Emeritus of the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association. Kristin is currently pursuing her doctorate at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Additional information on other publications, talks, keynotes and workshops are available at